2021 – A Year in Review

The second year from hell is almost over and this pleases me. The world is a crazier place now, and we’re still no closer to travelling back home to Japan, even with our flights set to take off 9 weeks from now.

Anyway, 2021 has had a few good moments to go with the sad ones, like when the Western Bulldogs threw away the AFL Grand Final or when that record store took three months to tell me they couldn’t get my Scandal LP in, and this post is to celebrate those good moments.

Favourite new music: Today’s Mood, by CHEEZE. I’m not a K-Pop fan, but this is the best song I heard  for the first time in 2021 (so it’s new to me). The video is pretty fun to watch too.

Best Road Trip: Coffs Harbour. It’s also equal worst, as we only did the one road trip this year. It was fun to get out and about, driving 1200km in two days, seeing new places and all, but it was also a let down. The hot water had died at the hotel, probably because the spa was dirty and we tried to wash it. By the time we’d shuffled into a new room, it was too late. Anyway, we saw the Big Banana, also a Big Prawn in Ballina, I think we had a coffee in Byron Bay, and we got to travel interstate without the need for a PCR test or documentation.

Best Haircut: Tommy Guns at Sunshine Plaza. Keaton is my go to guy. If you need a good haircut (with complimentary Coke No Sugar) you now know where to go.

Best F1 Race: Abu Dhabi.

Best Community Standards Violation: This doozy I got last month. Don’t want to offend people when talking about desserts.
Community Standards

Best Food: Misa-chan’s gyoza. I’m not being biased, they really are that tasty!

Best News Received: The melanoma on my arm has been removed, there is no more skin cancer present.

Best Lottery Win: $39.35! Oh yeah!


And that’s all the moments I can think of right now that stood out. I know there’s plenty more out there, I’ll post them when I get more time.