Hi! It’s Thursday already. Wow, these days are flying. I wish it would slow a little, like the days of March 2020 when the pandemic started to get serious.
I’ve been doing some behind the scenes updates and maintenance of this blog, changing fonts, header images and a little fine tuning to get it looking (and working) sweet.

So I was working on a review of the latest Mr Bungle album, something to write about as I only recently invest some hard-earned into a copy on vinyl – yes, I said I’d never buy this, but I’d had a few to drink when I bought it – but then from out of nowhere (no pun intended) I hear the news Mike Patton is having some mental health issues. Okay Cory, you can scratch that two-star review.
You see, I’ve love love loved Faith No More since that day in ’93 when I ditched school with a FNM-loving friend to get a record signed at the Virgin Megastore in Melbourne. For me, everything Mike Patton put his name on turned to gold. He was my musical idol, my fashion inspiration. And to hear he’s struggling is saddening for me. How does someone who has it all get so down?
Depression sucks, but it’s good for him to let it out, to get help, to get the support and love from his friends, peers and fans. To keep it bottled up and not seeking help is not the right way to go. If I never get to see Faith No More again – they’re meant to be touring here again in Feb – I can still keep those happy memories of ’93, ’95, ’97 and 2010 (plus the dozen other shows with Mike Patton bands).
If you’re ever feeling down, please do seek help. Talk to a friend, call Beyond Blue. Anything but keeping it to yourself and harming yourself. I don’t know how it feels to suffer depression, but I’ve had friends who’ve suffered for many years and it’s sad to lose them.
In other news, Qantas reckons we’ll be flying international again by Christmas, but Misa-chan and I are iffy about it. We have Jetstar credit, and we’re dying to visit family, but it’s too soon. Will there be two weeks quarantine when we arrive in Japan? How about two weeks quarantine when we arrive home? Will they jack the prices up to make up for lost earnings, knowing people will be anything to travel overseas? There’s dozens of other questions we’re waiting for answers to.
In the end, we will get to Japan. We just hope we can make it to see Obaachan as she’s getting very old.